News searched by: drinking water

Uhuru Torch shines its light on ICS waterproject

Every year the Uhuru Torch is lighted after which it goes on a long trip throughout Tanzania, to shine its light on special projects and initiatives. At the beginning of October the Uhuru Torch chose our recently finished watertower in Maganzo for it’s next stop!

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Water tower under construction

Our waterproject in Tanzania is making progress. The pipelines have been installed, now the water tower is under construction. We expect that we can open the taps in September for the villagers of Maganzo and Masagala so they will finally be able to benefit from clean drinking water close to home.

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E-mail from Tanzania

Paul Singleton is senior project manager water for ICS in Tanzania. Via e-mail he keeps the office in the Netherlands up to date on the progress of the water project in Maganzo en Masagala. Paul: "The technical design is now finished, at the beginning of May all pipes have to be installed."

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